Business Strategy

Our goal is to create "an obstacle-free society" by providing businesses and services that support your lifetime through the operations of offline physical facilities and online platforms.
Figure 1

We will provide the personalized and most appropriate services for each life stage.

We aim to provide the most appropriate services for each individual’s various life stages, including birth, school enrollment, employment, living assistance, and nursing care.
Figure 2

We envision maximizing our value proposition through the cooperation of offline and online businesses.

We seek to maximize our value proposition by mutually leveraging offline and online businesses. This involves spreading services and knowledge gained from the implications of the physical facilities into all our welfare facilities through the platform business, and then re-utilizing the data obtained from the platform business to benefit our physical facilities through R&D (research and development).
Figure 3

We will gradually expand our business into adjacent areas that benefit from synergies with disability welfare area.

LITALICO started its business in 2005 in the area of disability welfare. By utilizing the experience and know-how we have gained since then, we will gradually expand our business to the business area where we expect to achieve the synergy effect.